Meet Jordan: The Newest Addition to MEK Europe’s Sales and Engineering Team

Jordan Lazov. Mek Europe Sales EngineerWe’re excited to introduce you to the newest member of the MEK Europe family. Meet Jordan, or Jocka as he prefers to be called (pronunciation: J (the Dutch pronunciation) ots (hard ts) ka). Jordan is joining us as a Sales Engineer, bringing his unique blend of expertise in both sales and engineering to our team.

Jordan is based in Macedonia and will be covering the EMEA region, with a close focus on the Balkans. His role is a blend of both sales and engineering, making him a versatile asset to our team. He will be involved in every stage of the sales process—from enquiries and outreach to negotiations and marketing campaigns. On the engineering side, Jordan will handle installations, support, and maintenance for our SPI and AOI systems in the EMEA region.

Jordan comes with a varied background in engineering and high value sales, along with experience in Key Account Management and R&D. His educational journey in Electrical Engineering, majoring in Automation, Robotics, and Computer Systems, has equipped him with a solid foundation to excel in his new role. From his days in Automation Engineering with Mikrosam to his time with TBM Evolution Group and Velbit in Macedonia, Jordan has honed his skills in sales, communication, and engineering. He humorously compares his skill level to that of a backup singer for Led Zeppelin!

During an intensive two-week training session at our offices in Tilburg, Jordan has delved into the specifics of our AOI machines and sales processes. This training has prepared him for a significant role in both the technical and strategic aspects of our business.

When he’s not busy working, Jordan enjoys playing and producing music, as well as working on various DIY hardware projects. Despite his packed schedule, he’s always up for a chat about music, audio setups, and is happy to enjoy a friendly discussion over dinner about any of these subjects!

We’re thrilled to have Jordan on board and are confident that his expertise and enthusiasm will greatly benefit our team and clients. Feel free to reach out to him with any questions or just to say hi!

T :    +31 40 711 4114
M : (WA):  +389 75 335 851 (MK)


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