Mek (Marantz Electronics) holds annual Global Technical Meeting virtually

Mek annual Technology Meeting

The Mek Annual Global Technical Meeting took place last month. The three primary aims of the annual meeting are: communication, motivation and education. Updating the global team on AOI and SPI product developments, catching up with colleagues and making plans for the year as a team, is an essential part of the company’s communication strategy and sales success. Usually held in Japan, due to Coronavirus and related travel restrictions, the 4 day conference this year…
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5 reasons why a Z-axis is needed on the optical unit of an Automatic Optical Inspection Machine

reasons why you need a z-axis on AOI optical units

1. A must have to allow for PCB warpage if the AOI machine has angular cameras The center of the field of view (FoV) of angular cameras are set to be on the center of the FoV of the main camera. The optimal focal point of the main camera lens is on the printed circuit board (PCB) surface. A main camera lens typically has a focal depth of a few millimetres, a height range in…
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